Ref. 48606
Vestido midi camiseroShirtwaist dressAbito chemisier
Ref. 48607
Vestido hombrosDressAbito
Ref. 48615
Mono contrastesJumpsuitTuta
Ref. 48657
Vestido contrastesDressAbito
Ref. 48572
Vestido vivosDress with trimsAbito con dettagli in rilievo
Ref. 48573
Vestido brochesDress with embellishmentAbito con applicazione
Ref. 48574
Vestido pecho cruzadoCrossed dressAbito incrociato
Ref. 48504
Vestido contrasteDressAbito
Ref. 48505
Vestido cuelloNeck dressAbito collo
Ref. 48536
Ref. 48543
Vestido asimetricoAsymmetric dressAbito asimmetrico
Ref. 48554
Vestido hebillaBuckle dressAbito fibia